8 Best Games to Play on Mac

Apple products are used by many photographers, producers, and creative peoples, but out of the many groups associated with Macs, gamers are not among them. It is a fact, Macs can still boast some impressive performance despite lower specs than its contemporary PCs. There’s no dearth of amazing games that support MacOS, either. Here you will find 8 Best Games to Play on Mac that you can enjoy at your pace.

1. Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley

Created by first-time developer Eric Barone, who is also known as ConcernedApe, has created this version of the farming simulation game. It is packed with gorgeous retro-inspired sprites, marriage, charming characters, combat, and plenty of post-launch support.

Stardew Valley is more than just a farming simulator. It’s a role-playing game, with characters leveling up in segments like mining and fishing, customizing their professions, unlocking new things, and exploring a dangerous cave filled with monsters and artifacts. If you want to focus your attention on your personal property, though, you can customize your home and surrounding farm to create a rural best.


2. Katana Zero

Katana Zero
Katana Zero

It is one of the most stunningly well-realized concepts that come from a developer — indie or otherwise — in years.

Several years apart from the end of a war that left New Mecca on the brink of collapse, the game’s cryptic, narrative stars an assassin tasked with eliminating targets in the direction of his psychiatrist. Finally, he begins to discover the conspiracy at the center of his work.

As a one-hit-death 2D action game, Kantana Zero requires you to replay levels several times (in-game you’re actually having premonitions of possible outcomes) to find out a way to eliminate all targets

without being hit. Starting with a simple power fantasy, it evolves into a challenging and cerebral game bordering on a puzzler. This game will test your problem-solving skills as much as your reflexes.


3. What the Golf?

What the Golf
What the Golf

This game is available as part of the Apple Arcade subscription service or you can also find it in Epic Games Store, every course is essentially a different version of golf. It ranges from levels of classic arcade games to physics-based puzzles. This game is a perfect fit for its irreverent sense of humor, and you will keep witnessing some surprise at every stage of the gaming. It also includes boss fights — yes, in a golf video game. You aren’t limited to golfing standard balls, so if you want to swap them out for a car or an entire house, you can do it.


4. Sid Meier’s Civilization VI

Sid Meier’s Civilization VI
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI

After not so encouraging reception to the earlier series — Civilization: Beyond Earth — developer Firaxis returned in full swing. It adds more robust culture and science trees. More dynamic choices, and more insight into why world leaders are working in a specific way.

Since its launch, Civilization VI has gotten a substantial amount of civilizations to control, which includes the Persians, Nubians, Aztecs, and Australians. All these are led by a famous historical figure, such as Montezuma for the Aztecs, and with new content releasing every few months, many players keep playing it coming back.


5. Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty

Starcraft II Wings of Liberty
Starcraft II Wings of Liberty

This game is the sequel of Starcraft, which became a global success on its release in 1998 and the sequel Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty has carried on the legacy in 2010. It’s so popular in South Korea that many people consider it the national sport of the country.

In the game, you need to control three separate factions: Terran, Zerg, and Protoss. Though in this game you have to take command of the Terran, you’re able to play as any of the three factions in multiplayer mode.

You need to keep a keen eye on your resources, your available units, and your enemies’ whereabouts. All these are the key to having a fighting chance in any match. If you happen to blink at the wrong time, thousands of Zerglings will bring your base crashing to the ground. If you have already through Wings, two critically acclaimed expansions — Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void — are already there for you.


6. Disco Elysium

Disco Elysium
Disco Elysium

This game is not only one of the best PC games, it’s one of the 8 Best Games to Play on Mac. It is also available on MacOS. You play as an alcohol- and drug-addicted detective who wakes up in a trashed motel room without any past memory of how he got there. As you play the game, you’ll forge your own path, investigate the murder, how you see fit and define your identity in the process.

You can approach each encounter as per your choice in the Disco Elysium game. Maybe you want to gun down the motel clerk, or sweet talk him into unlocking a door in the back. No matter how you choose to approach every situation, Disco Elysium will warp the game world around the decisions you’ve made, offering an amazing and unforgettable experience for each playthrough.


7. Portal 2

Portal 2
Portal 2

This is an addictive first-person puzzle game. You play as protagonist Chell who attempts to break out of the giant Aperture research facility to claim her freedom. Work through various rooms outfitted with unique puzzles, you’re armed with nothing more than the iconic portal gun. Use various environments and objects alongside time and space to get out of the facility.

Portal 2 is developed on its predecessor’s successful formula and added a deep storyline to boot. Although the plot deals with a serious conflict the game is packed with well-timed comedy at every moment. You will find this game to be one of the most unique experiences in gaming and also one of the most humorous.


8. Hearthstone


It is the Blizzard’s multiplayer card game which is also one of the 8 Best Games to Play on Mac that will not only blow up on your mobile devices, but it’s a perfect fit for the larger screen on your Mac also. With a simple, easy-to-learn gameplay mechanics and a fast playtime, you can get through several battles in one instance. Its excellent matchmaking system helps you to collaborate with similarly skilled players, so every match will be close and intense.

Here you can send a Murloc army at your opponent, wear them downturn after turn with weak attacks before eventually claim victory. This is the best game for such type of battle.



These are the 8 Best Games to Play on Mac. You can enjoy these games at your pace and have a great time without searching for any further titles.